Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tips for Cleansing

Last year I went on a 21 day cleanse with the help of author/ awesomenista Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet. It was a crazy, wonderful, challenging, fulfilling experience, and I will be doing it again soon! Since then, I have met many others who taken on their own cleanses in many different forms. I take my hat off to all who are brave enough to embark on this challenge. It is well worth the work, but it definitely is work!

When I was on my cleanse, I had so many questions. I didn't have anyone to ask because at that time I didn't know anyone who was as crazy as I am. So I carried my book around everywhere I went, glued myself to the internet in the evenings, and paid attention to my body. It gave me plenty of signs when it wanted something. My job was to figure out what that something was! At times my skin felt like it lacked elasticity and my muscles felt week, so I added more protein and that worked. I had to be consistent with my supplements when I knew I wasn't getting certain nutrients from my food. For example, Vitamin B12 is not something I could get from plant foods so when I got a sleepy, cranky feeling I knew I needed more feel- good vitamins like B12.

I am aware that all cleanses are not created equal. Some of you might be doing all juices. Others will be doing all organic, gluten free, with emphasis on green foods like I did. The cleansing time frames will differ from one week to 30 days or so. So I know there is no way to meet every person's individual needs. However, I thought I would share some helpful tips from my experience as well as some other sources. As always I welcome feedback, suggestions, comments, and questions.

Tips for Cleansers

1. Water, Water, and ... Oh Yeah, WATER!  
 I'm sure you already knew this, but I can't stress enough how important it is to drink plenty of water while you're on a cleanse.  Not only do you need to stay hydrated inside, your skin will drink up more toxins from outside sources when you aren't hydrated. Plus, your body needs to flush all of the toxins you're exterminating out. 

2. Exercise, Infrared Sauna.... basically Sweat!
Going along the lines of flushing out toxins, your body could also use your help by way of breaking a good sweat! This will aid and speed up your cleansing process. Trust me, you'll notice the difference in your complexion almost immediately!

3. Daily Meditations and Affirmations
Kris Carr's book was full of positivity and daily affirmations. I also bought books on walking meditation and other types of meditation. This made everyday wonderful! Instead of smacking the cookie out of the hand of the child who was walking in front of me (you'll have those moments), I reflected on my mantra for the day or just simply chanted Om to myself. And suddenly, I felt back on track. Plus, this gives you an excuse to compliment yourself all day long. You deserve it, and your cells are listening!

4. Become Your Own Creative Chef
Whether you are eating solid food or doing all juices, don't be afraid to experiment. I would have never known how much I love ginger and beets in juices if I didn't try it. I also would never have known that I could make a tofu salad taste like my grandma's potato salad with Veganaise and mustard. I would recommend you keep it as natural/ non-processed as possible especially in the beginning. 

5. Be Your Own Detective
I found so much information once I researched. Of course you cannot trust everything you come across, so read wisely and dig deeply! I found some a list of supplements for cleansing from Better Nutrition Magazine. According to them: In Week 1 you should take Vitamin C, E, Resveratrol, and Alpha Lipoic Acid. In Week 2 and 3 they add things like Fiber and Protein. I take New Chapter Every Woman Whole-Food Supplements and RAW Protein and Vitamin D3. You can do your own research and find what works best for you. 

6. Be Your Own Cheerleader
My last tip is, in my opinion, the most important. The fact that you stumble means you are human and embarking on a human experience. It does not mean you are a failure and you should give up. We are all a lot stronger than we like to give ourselves credit for. We deserve to have a voice in our ear that tells us how wonderful we are every second of every day. Let that voice be your own. Kick the old one, the one that says you will never make it, out of your head for good. It has no place in your new cleansed home! It's okay to mess up, you're still in the game. "That's alright. That's okay. You're gonna make it Anyway!"

I hope this list helps many of you. And again, I applaud you all... you're beautiful Spirit will lead you to your Perfect Self if you allow. Until next time, remain in Beauty and Love Always. I wish you Health!


  1. Thank-you! You encouraged me to stick with it because it has been four days cleansing and I was actually going to quit! Thank-you and continue in your Greatness!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Stay encouraged, today you're half way done! And you continue in your Greatness/ Godness! ;-)
