Tuesday, September 6, 2011

21 Day Cleanse: Week 1

The week went pretty well. It was kind of up and down and I had a rough start. Since day 1 was also my first day of class, (and I also have a 12 year old in school) I'm sure you can imagine how hectic that morning was. I began my morning with two 8 oz glasses of water and some herbal tea with lemon. I was able to get about 5 to 7 minutes of meditation time in and then it was time to leave the house. That morning I got my first juice from my local juice bar (which felt like cheating but I later found out that it wasn't). I had a beet, carrot, celery, apple juice and a 1 oz shot of wheat grass. I sipped purified water from a 25 oz personal water bottle all day. At lunch I was still running around and I hadn't begun packing lunch yet so I ate at a whole foods market/cafe. I had variety green salad (medium sized), bean bell pepper and corn salad (small sized), and a cup of soup with zucchini and tomato in a clear broth (vegetarian of course). For dinner I made myself a quick brown rice and steamed veggie bowl and large plate of variety greens salad with home made vinaigrette.

I weighed myself since it was the first day. Even though I don't believe this should be a focus for the cleanse, I know some of you will want to know the affects (if any) that it had on my weight. I ended that night with a luxurious lavender salts bath by candle light. I had brown rice cakes and hummus for a late snack and all together I drank about 100 ounces of water. I didn't get any physical activity in (other than running around campus) and I didn't stop snacking until about an hour before bed (the recommendation is 3 hours).

The rest of the week was similar to the first day. I got better at managing my time so I was able to juice at home and also incorporate green smoothies. The green juices seem to have a much different affect then just a regular veggie and fruit juice. I didn't have many detox symptoms this week. My skin felt dry and itchy especially at night. My remedy for that was to make a moisturizing oil using almond oil as the base and adding a few drops of sweet orange and grapefruit pure essence oils. This is now my favorite part of the evening. Taking those luxurious baths and ending with this decadent oil feels so wonderful. I have also maintained my promise to myself to use only (mostly) natural products. It is hard finding things that are 97 to 98 percent natural at least. But the juices and the products have made me feel more pampered then deprived this week. I have also increased my meditation time to anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes in the morning.

I found out half way through the week that I was over doing things. I read more and realized that the salads I had every lunchtime and dinner time were not the only way to get those alkaline veggies in my system. I played around with lightly steamed and sauteed veggies in different recipes. I made I tofu salad that was almost as good as my grandmother's potato salad and I have fallen in love with soups. It just goes to show how being healthy should not be a punishment. A person can change an rearrange things to fit her or his lifestyle and taste buds. Eventually, your body starts craving the things you need and they become the things you want. This cleanse is getting me on my way to an even more healthful and bountiful life. Tune in to find out how next week goes!

Until then, Remain in Beauty and Love and
Good Health Always

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