Hello all! It has been far too long since the last time I blogged. I have missed it terribly. Well as you may have guessed by the Title of this posting, I am embarking on a 21 day cleanse. I will be using guides and literature to help me along. So don't think this is a diet or a cayenne/maple fast (not very nutritious). I will be doing green power juices and smoothies and eating a mixture of raw foods and cooked (vegan) foods at a ratio of 80 to 20. I have also decided to fast on juices only for one day per week for the 21 days. I will be exercising 35 minutes a day anywhere from 3 to 6 times a week at least. On top of that, I have made the decision to only use all-natural beauty products, hygiene products, and even clothing fibers when possible. Yes folks, I will be in complete detox!!! I may have mood swings or other possible side affects while going through this journey, but in the end I will feel an enormous amount better than I do now.
I will be journaling my cleanse every day here on the blog. I want everyone to follow along with me and as I observe both the ups and the downs. That way you can decide for yourself if a cleanse is something you might want to try. Some of you may have already been going back and forth about it in your head but are afraid. Hopefully, this will take some of the edge off for you. Remember, the results will be different for everyone. I already don't consume a whole lot of junk so detoxing for me might not be as bad as it would for a person who has coffee and bacon every day for breakfast or who considers a cinnamon bun to be a healthy mall snack. So be aware and do your own research.
I will be giving out some info but for copyright reasons I wont be plugging a whole lot of names or products. If you want specific info you can always email me and I will be happy to give you all the knowledge I have. Don't be a stranger! Other than that, most of the smoothies and meals I will be using will be made from organic raw vegetables from my local whole food market. If I use a recipe that is not my own, I will not be posting it.
Okay, I think that is about it. So, here I go.... Wish me luck!
In Beauty and Love Always,
Wyzdom D. Vine
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