Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Iron consumption in Veg Foods

Thank you for the support and comments so far everyone. I was just reading that vegetarians don't have the nutrient deficiencies that people may think they do. I wanted to find out how I might increase my iron intake through vegetables and grains. Then I came across a few articles stating that the foods most vegetarians consume (ie spinach) are high in iron as well as the vitamin C needed for our bodies to absorb non-heme iron (the only iron available in plant foods). In fact, consuming foods like brown rice, beans and lentils, and leafy greens provides the body most of the iron, vitamin C, and calcium any body needs. On a per calorie scale, some experts believe the iron found in plant foods is actually superior to that found in animal foods. For more info and some interesting reading check out

In Beauty and in Love always,
Wishing you good Health

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog Introduction

     One day, at the age of 10, I was playing around (like children do) and pulled a muscle in my knee. After the swelling went down I continued to limp around the house. My mother asked me if I was in any pain. I wasn't, so I thought "Maybe I forgot how to walk."
     For two years doctors could not figure out what was going on with me. They ran test after test. I went in and out and out and in of the hospital.  They conducted a mental evaluation and even decided to put me in a body cast (a bright pink one that went from my torso down my left leg). The specialists could agree on nothing and my symptoms only got worse. 
     My mother decided not to sit idly by and leave it in their hands. We drove to Santa Fe, NM. She took me to see all kinds of interesting people. People who asked "different" kinds of questions. People who said funny words like "holistic", and "homeopathy."These wonderful people taught my mother and I that the link between Body and Mind was Spirit. We learned that the Body can heal itself from all sorts of ailments and that the Spirit has great Power when the Mind believes. They taught us that anything is possible.
    Before we took our trip I was using crutches and I wasn't able to do much on my own. I came home and began changing my diet and uplifting my spirt and my body began to heal itself.   After a few weeks of our home remedies I was able to do everything on my own and I dropped the crutches. My orthopedic doctor dubbed the ailment Avascular Necrosis, took me out of the cast and told my mother "Whatever you are doing, keep it up."
   As you may have guessed, having such an outstanding experience made me a strong believer in the power of the Mind and the healing combination of Nutrition and Affirmation. However, I am only human and I did stray from the path. As an adult, poor eating and living habits caused me to develop high cholesterol, obesity, a fibroid, respiratory problems, mental health problems, you name it! I had become so sick and tired that I was willing to try anything. If only there was a magical answer that would produce miraculous results. Then I remembered, there was! So now I have been back on this journey for the last five months. I am going to continue to study new and old methods. I will combine food aspects with uplifting aspects to get the best results. And I plan on sharing all of that with readers via this blog.
    I am very passionate about this journey but I plan on having fun too. I welcome any and all opinions and comments. If anyone comes across a theory or method they would like to share, please feel free to do so. We are all a part of this Universe and I believe that my enlightenment is enlightenment for all to share and vice- versa. Again, thank you for taking to the time to learn a little about me and I hope you come back soon.

In Beauty and in Love always,
Wishing you all good Health

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mental Note

Sometimes prayer is all I can do to keep from moving away from civilization and eating from the land. Fear isn't the answer. Education and enlightenment can be.

Soul: Part I Food Blessing

God, Goddess, Creator, Universe, Divine Spirits, please bless my food and guide the nutrients to the needed areas of my body. Let it heal and sustain. Ashe'

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10 Non GMO Day! (Sorry about the typos, still working from my mobile.)

 Today is the first ever Non-GMO day! Genetically Modified Organisms are made by injectecting DNA from one species into another creating unatural effects. For example, corn can be taken to lab and modified so that its seeds expell a chemical that kills insects.
According to an article in "Taste of Life" more  than 75 percent of corn and soybeans are genetically modified in the U.S. These modified vegetables are then fed to animals creating a high risk of GMO contamination in milk, meat and eggs.
A nonprofit organization, by the name of Non-GMO Project, offers the country's only third-party verification. Those who want to be proactive can go to their website at and view information as well as lists of cooperating companies. We are also able to look for the seal marked "NON GMO VERIFIED" on products.
It pays to be aware of what we put in our bodies. Really adventurous consumers can view Food Inc., a documentary that goes more into detail. Have a great day and eat safe all.
In Beauty and In Love always,
Wishing you good health

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thanks For Stopping By!

Hey Everyone, thanks so much for stopping to take a look at  my blog. I just got it up and running and I'm creating an introduction so stay tuned for that. This blog is going to combine uplifting elements with healthy eating tips and recipes. I'm very excited about it and I hope some one out there will be too! Until then, take the poll and check back soon! :)

In Beauty and in Love always,
Wishing you good health
