Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For Women's Health: Evening Primrose Oil

I recently read an article in Better Nutrition Magazine that spoke about women's health. In particular, about estrogen and hormone imbalance. Because just about everything (from shampoo to plastic containers) contain added hormones, many of us suffer from hormone -related ailments. According to Better Nutrition:

 "Hormone imbalances can impact nearly every aspect of wellbeing. Estrogen dominance, for example, is   associated with tender and fibrocystic breasts, mood swings, fibroids, insomnia, and even dry skin. It has a number of potential causes, including alcohol use, taking birth control pills, and being overweight."


The article went on to talk about other problems women have that are associated with hormone imbalances. The list included PMS symptoms, and menopause symptoms. Now, because I have fibromyalgia I am very interested in hormone balancing supplements. And because I am a woman (who may be a little bit more than a little moody at a certain time of the month) I was very interested in the supplements mentioned in this article. So I went to my local health food store in search of the items. 

"Uncomfortable symptoms of PMS, perimenopause, and menopause share a common cause: shifts in hormone levels."


The supplements listed were: Chasteberry, Black Cohosh, Fish Oil, Flax Seed Oil, and Primrose Oil. The article gave the best reviews for Chasteberry, so naturally I looked for that first. However, I couldn't find it by itself or in conjunction with any other supplements at my local health food store. The next on the list was the Black Cohosh which I could only find in combinations for menopause (I'm not quite there yet). I already consume the omega oils, so that left me with Evening Primrose Oil. I have been taking it now for several weeks and during two girlie cycles. I must say that even though it wasn't my first choice, I am extremely happy that I starting taking it. I have noticed great differences in my moods as well as in PMS symptoms. The brand I use is Nature's Way (not the high potency formula). I take one a day with my other fat soluble supplements (which is after meals that include protein and fat such as peanut butter). I increase the dosage to two daily during cycles. This has given me the best result. 

I know women's health and hormone issues can be embarrassing to confront. However, with hormonal imbalances occurring in everyone from children to marine animals, it is important. And if you have mood issues that may affect your daily life (or just monthly), it may be beneficial for you to try to regulate estrogen levels. You're not too young. As always, I hope this information helps someone out there. 

Until next time,
Remain in Beauty and Love... and good Health Always

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