Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Moved to San Diego- Oilpulling Method

So I recently moved to San Diego. I am job hunting, natural hair hunting, vegan hunting, social scene hunting... lol basically starting from scratch. It isn't too bad. I have a great big guy and a great little guy in my corner to spend time with and support me. However, they are not at all into natural hair or vegan lifestyle. My hunnie does like to eat healthy and is concerned about the environment and my son works out with me in the pool and at the gym. I am trying to get into a routine and I have been trying a lot of new techniques and products. I will be posting updates and reviews soon.

Other than that, I love this state. It's beautiful and sunny. It feels welcoming and friendly and people care about health and the planet. The last two are seriously near and dear to my heart so I'm working with a good foundation. I'm signed up to join a few local groups and once I start going to meetups I'm sure I'll find my groove. Until the, I suppose I'll just vent online to anyone out there who is listening.... or reading rather lol.

For now I'll leave you with this:

Today I started something called the Oilpulling Method. It is an Ayurvedic (a Hindi approach to medicine that uses the senses Ayurveda means "the knowledge for long life") technique in which I basically gargle an swish oil (I use sesame oil) in my mouth for 15 to 20 mins (roughly), then spit it out and cleanse my mouth. The idea is that the oil mixes with the enzymes in your saliva and help "pull" toxins out of your mouth. It is believed that this method could help alleviate migraines, sinus troubles, other illness, and also help with oral health. Thanks to "HeyFranHey" I discovered this and am now go to see what results it brings me. I will keep you posted.

Until next time everyone, remain in Beauty and in Love Always

Wyzdom D.


1 comment:

  1. I stand corrected... my Babe does care about Natural Haircare ... sorry baby <3
