Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10 Non GMO Day! (Sorry about the typos, still working from my mobile.)

 Today is the first ever Non-GMO day! Genetically Modified Organisms are made by injectecting DNA from one species into another creating unatural effects. For example, corn can be taken to lab and modified so that its seeds expell a chemical that kills insects.
According to an article in "Taste of Life" more  than 75 percent of corn and soybeans are genetically modified in the U.S. These modified vegetables are then fed to animals creating a high risk of GMO contamination in milk, meat and eggs.
A nonprofit organization, by the name of Non-GMO Project, offers the country's only third-party verification. Those who want to be proactive can go to their website at and view information as well as lists of cooperating companies. We are also able to look for the seal marked "NON GMO VERIFIED" on products.
It pays to be aware of what we put in our bodies. Really adventurous consumers can view Food Inc., a documentary that goes more into detail. Have a great day and eat safe all.
In Beauty and In Love always,
Wishing you good health

1 comment:

  1. This post is very informative and something we all should be aware of. I will pass this information along. Thanks for sharing.
